Being a parent one of the difficult thing for you is knowing what is the best play time activities you can do with your 1 year old toddler. It is the best age of their development so your concern gets doubled than usual . So here we will discuss about some of the Best play time idea.

Some of you may be wondering why i laid so much emphasis to focus such a silly topic but pay attention . It is worth to discuss and really important for every parent. One year old is the age where your baby has just entered into toddler hood . At this stage they pay close attention to everything around them , whatever they see , hear , textures etc. It is their brain development stage by understanding and exploring the world around them. So playtime will provide them with some activities involving both fun and brain development .This helps your toddler’s physical and mental growth effectively.

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Best play time idea for your one year old toddler

So here we are listing the Best play time idea for your 1 year old toddler.

Roll the Ball

Rolling the ball is a fun game and very easy game too.You can use a ball to teach your new toddler about taking turns and then watch her delight in your praise as she catches the ball and then rolls it back to you to show her comprehension of the give-and-take game. Start by sitting opposite your toddler, just a few feet away, and roll the ball to her. Ask her to roll the ball back to keep the game going. As she grows, sit farther away from your toddler and then by the later toddler or early preschool years, stand a fair distance away and kick the ball together across the yard.It is one of the Best play time idea  that will improve your toddler’s brain development in understanding directions , this will also improve their keen observation .

Baby Friendly Obstacles

Create a safe and plush obstacle course for your next play time activity for 1 yr toddler is to help your new toddler stay mentally stimulated by learning to navigate challenges while expending some physical energy. Create the obstacle course in the living room or playroom from plush items around the home, such as sofa cushions, stuffed animals and blankets. The floor area should be carpeted for safety and easy crawling or toddling. If the floors are hard, you can lay down a mat or a rug to make it safer and more comfortable.

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Building Blocks

Building blocks of every color and every safe size can encourage creativity and help your child develop fine motor skills. Buy a set of blocks or use your own craft know-how to make your own. You can turn some medium-size cardboard boxes into giant building blocks by covering each with bright-colored wrapping paper, or sew some plush blocks, using old scraps of fabric and cotton batting for the filling. To add some stiffness to the fabric blocks for easy stacking, sew in a piece of interfacing to each fabric scrap before sewing the block together.


Finger-painting provides a multi-sensory learning opportunity for your 1-year-old. She can discover the different bright paint colors as well as enjoy the feeling of the paint between her fingers. Provide her with a large sheet of paper and then demonstrate how the finger painting activity is done. Dip a finger into one color and graze it over the paper, and then dip a finger into a different color and paint with your finger beside the first. Next, sit back and watch her enjoy creating her first artful masterpiece. Once she has had the opportunity to try out finger-painting, make some different shapes for her from pieces of sponge and let her use them like stamps on her next painting.

Music Makers

Let her learn about the different sounds she or he can make with some homemade instruments. Create drums from old plastic containers with a piece of wax paper stretched across the top. For some musical shakers, fill an old unbreakable canister or bowl with rice, place the lid on top and seal the music maker shut. Decorate the shaker with paints, stickers or wrapping paper and encourage her to try out her new instruments.

So these are some of the best playtime activity for toddler to start with. There are so many playtime ideas but we have listed the best 5 easy games to start with because these are not only just easy games but also it will lead t the brain development of your child.



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