Assalamualaikum to all the readers !! We are in the holy month of Ramadan – the 9th month of islamic calender . Ramadan is the most awaited month for all believers of Islam . Though Ramadan is widely known for fasting observed by muslims . I would like to appeal to all fellow humanbeings to consider this month for life transformation . Because its a month full of opportunity to implement Ramadan transformative goals and you can transform yourselves into a better version of yourself

To start with we know the significance of Quran reading in the month of ramadan . Its a act considered noble . So read and make others learn quran to understand message of quran

You remember how allah describes Quran as ” Noorun ala Noor – Light upon light “

Quran is as such a light of wisdom for those perceive it . 

Do taraweah namaz , and other extra namaz to keep your body engaged in the heat of ramadan .

Body cleansing happens during fasting as our internal organs are going through a different scientific mechanism in this month with fasting . Now the next part is do a spiritual cleansing of heart as well

You know we all feel sometimes overburdened , hopeless etc .. but everything can be cleansed with quran and with the remembrance of allah .

If you feel you have burden of worldly life which is more for you to handle then Remember to read Surah Inshirah ( alam nashrak surah) this will remind you that after a hardship there is a double assurance of ease from Allah . Read the surah Dhuha this surah will remind you that allah has never abandoned you and he will give you till your heart finds satisfaction . This surah certainly has a healing to remove all the stress and hopelessness one feel in their mind

Then forgive people the way you want Allah to forgive yourself . Grudges should be washed away in Ramadan .

Hatred never is pleasing in the eyes of Allah , so in case you hatred towards anyone just analyze if it is valid or not . If the hatred is valid forget them and leave the matter to the judgement of Allah . But in case you forgive them then do it with happy heart .

Avoid all haram things , either it be a haram food , haram hobby , haram companionship or friendcircle that diverts you or even belittle your creator just say PEACE( Salam to them ) move miles away from such activity and company

Ask forgiveness of Allah – best words as allah says about “there was a sect of people who used to say daily – RABBANA AAMANA FAGHFIRLANA WARHAMNA WA ANTA KHAIRUR RAAHIMEEN . So repeat this dua as you know allah never punishes one while they are seeking forgiveness .


So make things easy for yourself with the remembrance of allah .

Stay positive , stay healthy ,happy and may allah open the doors of sustenance to every halal seeker. 


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