Hey guys,  today we will talk about some healthy eating habits .This will boost the efforts you are putting in to get rid of those extra kilos along with the workout. Who doesn’t want to be in shape today? When talking about shape we never consider round as a shape when it comes to the physique. A good knowledge on diet is must while you are doing any workout. Else you will end up saying ” Nothing works for me “. So here is the list of amazing Weight loss booster Foods you should take to maximize your weight loss with workout .

Amazing Weight loss booster Foods before and after workout 

For ease in understanding we will be dividing the article in two sub types: food before work out and food after workout.

Weight loss booster Foods before workout
  • Banana
  • Oats before 45 to 50 minutes of workout
  • Whole wheat Bread with peanut butter
  • Fruit with Yogurt
  • Veggie Omelet
  • ¼ cup grape slice mixed with ½ cup cottage cheese
  • Berries mixed with yogut
  • Fruit smoothie made of soy milk
  • Raisins
  • Applesauce
  • Few crackers

Here let’s see some of the most preferred weight loss booster foods before workout in detail and get to know why they are so important and effective.

  1. Banana

Never go on a workout empty stomach as it might have reverse effect. To start with banana is a good option to start your workout with, also considered as a happy fruit banana is rich in vitamin B6 which helps in metabolism and converts food into energy which will come on handy while workout.So banana is a best known metabolism boosters for weight loss. Banana not only will help as a pre workout snack but also relieve stress, helps quit smoking and of course helps in weight reduction as it is rich in fiber. Banana can also be consumed in form of liquid by jazzing it up a little with nuts or fruits one can enjoy a smoothie as well.

When talking about banana i want to tell you guys something very important . So i am just making it in points for your easy reading .

  • Whenever you see the banana with dark brown spots in its outer cover it means it is the best one , so avoid throwing it to your bin . Such a healthy natural food which is good for plenty of things should be loved .
  • Banana accelerates weight loss as it has very low level of glycemic index.

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Myths on Banana 

Banana is an amazing food for health , skin , hair  and so on . But when coming to the topic of weight loss there is a buzz . Here you must pay attention for the right information to help to be in shape .

1 ) Is it Banana a weight loss food ?

Yes , Banana has the glycemic index in very low level so banana is a weight loss food.

2 ) Is it Banana a weight gain food also ?

Yes you heard it absolutely right banana is both a weight gain and weight loss food . It depend on the quantity you eat and how you eat.

3 ) How to eat banana to lose weight ?

Banana is a weight loss food but you should consume less . Eat one or two banana per day if you are including banana as a food to lose weight . Eating more will make you fat without any doubt .

4) Which type of banana you should eat to lose weight ?

There are numerous varieties of banana but all is not going to help you with weight loss. So the right banana varieties to lose weight faster

  • Baby bananas (US )
  • Burro bananas
  • Cavendish bananas(Chiquita)
  • Red bananas, and
  • Plantain bananas.
  1. Oats

    Rich in nutrition again oats not only serve as excellent pre workout food but also good for blood sugar, blood pressure, digestion, maintains cholesterol and much more. Oats enhance the performance during workout make sure the consumption of oats should be at least 45 minutes to 1 hour before workout.

  1. Whole wheat Bread with peanut butter

Next to hit the list is whole wheat bread and peanut butter the whole idea behind the combination is one will amplify the goodness of other, well also tastes good. Whole wheat will give you the essence of completeness and peanut butter with its nutritional excellence boost your regime in shedding those extra kilos by keeping you intact during workout.You can try out a lot of recipes just by adding banana, jam or berries to the combo and make it more appropriate to your taste buds.

  1. Fruit with Yogurt

The next food which falls under the list to shed those extra kilos is Fruit with Yogurt. Best thing about this food choice is it is open to experiment, one can try out a variety of fruits and mix it with yogurt as a pre workout food. Yogurt needs no introducing when it comes to nutritious facts. A number of companies after noticing the high consumption of Yogurt have started offering a variety of yogurt with different forms and flavors.Yogurt is a product of milk. Merely 100g of yoghurt provides 97 kcal of dietary energy, it contains protein, fat and carbohydrates which makes it a good option as a health fruit plus there is a lot of good taste in that food people. Grab one!

When saying about yoghurt then the best suggestion is greek yoghurt when it comes to the matter of reducing weight quickly .

  1. Veggie Omelet

Name says it all. Veggie Omelet a perfect pre workout food. Prepared with an amalgamation of veggies and eggs this dish is a delight for foodies and a boon to workout enthusiasts. Veggies provide the essential nutrients, dietary fiber and vitamins, vegetables naturally contains low fat and calories. Omelet helps you in muscle building and has the highest available protein considering whole foods. Again the food not only suffice the pre workout meal but also is rich in taste.

So we have discussed about the important Weight loss booster Foods to consider before workout .When pre workout foods are that much good who wouldn’t do it, I want one ASAP.

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Weight loss booster Foods after workout
  • Mashed potato and salad
  • Tuna, Salmon
  • Dry fruits and nuts
  • Cereal and skim milk
  • Chocolate milk with protein powder
  • Chicken
  • Protein shake ( ½ banana with 1 spoon protein powder mixed with almond milk and hemp seed.
  • Roasted chickpea and salad
  • Steamed veggies
  • Quinoa bowl and  blak berries one cup each and pecans for ¼ cup
  • 2 Slices of multi grain bread and agave nectar , you can have bread with raw peanut butter too.
  • ½ cup of Burrito and beans +1/2 cup brown rice +sals  and 2 tsp guacamole.

Here let’s see some of the most preferred weight loss booster foods after workout in detail and get to know why they are so important and effective.

  1. Chicken

Chicken easy to cook food and has there is plenty of recipes that you can try out as it is open to experiment since the question who came first Chicken or Egg. Well we don’t have answer for that but chicken is the answer for your post workout needs.

It is such as excellent post workout food .Can be tried with salad, other meat, fish, and veggies or wrapped in a sandwich; chicken says no to nothing it all starts with your creativity and ends in your stomach.

  1. Mashed potato and salad

Mashed potato with salad contains all of it Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat and other nutrient which will be needed by the body post work out to cut those extra kilos from its roots. Mashed potato with salad is easy to make food, which will not engage much preparations as well. What you need is some potatoes and salad mix it up and you are there. Try out the recipes on the web there a plenty of them choose according to the preference.

  1. Tuna, Salmon

Who doesn’t know about all the health benefits these fish have under those shinny skins? Tuna is a salt water fish in every 100g of Tuna there is 200kcal worth energy on top of that tuna is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and appreciated all over the world for its good taste so a win-win situation. One advantage of tuna is it can be mixed with salad or eggs and there are a lot of options to jazz it up a little and come up with something healthy of course and tasty.

Salmon is also a popular food, it is an oily fish. Technically salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acid which helps in metabolism. What you waiting for people get those fish on your plate.

  1. Dry fruits and nuts

Needs no address Dry fruits and nuts, high on nutrition. I would consider dry fruit and nuts to be a food of individuals who are on go as they might not find the time to cook or make something for them, dry fruits and nuts will come to their rescue. Dry fruits and nuts can also mixed with milk or any other liquid and can be consumed as they will amplify the effect of the liquid as well.

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5. Cereal and skim milk

Sounds a lot easier isn’t it? Indeed it is! Providing all the necessary post work out elements to shed those extra kilos. Skim milk because the whole milk have a lot of fat which might hamper the effort on a smaller scale however it will hence as they say precaution is better than care and well said opt for skimmed milk. Cereal of your choice again you can jazz it up by adding a little honey and fruits. Again the taste is all that has to be brought up by you. It is one of the best Weight loss booster Foods . High on nutrients will suffice your need to have something post workout.

6. Chocolate milk with protein powder

Waiting for something yummy to appear here it is then. Chocolate milk with protein powder the name is enough to get the mouth all watery. Chocolate milk rich in nutrients will help you in recovery post a workout because recovery is essential to get you going. Chocolate milk high in protein helps muscles recover which are rough after lifting those weights. Protein powder addition will satiate the demand for protein powder which any way you might take.

So here we have covered some of the best pre and post workout foods that can help you lose weight quickly and listed out more food list as well.Hope this will help you out to be slim and fit .Weight loss booster Foods on workout can really help you because only workout alone can give you the dream body you are longing for .

So Eat to lose weight this time 🙂

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